TOX® ecoLine


Entwickelt aus dem TOX® Standard Das Standard-Pressensystem ist besonders geeignet für Presskräfte ab 10 kN.

The standard press system

The complete press consists of standardized components and impresses with simplicity, fast delivery times and attractive conditions. Defined and certified standards are the basis for all extension levels of the TOX® ecoLine and enable flexible configuration.

Developed from the TOX® standard

The standard press system is particularly suitable for press forces from 10 kN.

  • C-frame-bench press on base frame

  • Electromechanical or pneumohydraulic drive with 4 press force categories each

  • 2 power stroke versions for each press force

  • Carriage-guided ram

  • Total stroke: max. 200 mm

  • Projection: 200 mm

  • Press opening: approx. 400 mm

  • Two-hand safety controls

  • Process monitoring selectable

Complete your press

TOX® UDI Panel
The TOX® UDI Panel is a touch panel with integrated PC and the TOX® Software on a hardened Linux® operating system. It combines the control and visualization of your system with the storage and processing of the process data.
Press controls
The portfolio includes all variants of controls. From the simple, purely pneumatic basic control, through electro-pneumatic controls, to the elaborate, customer-specific programmable logic controller with almost unlimited possibilities.
Target device
The ZL aiming device is used for the exact positioning of TOX® clinching points. For this purpose, an adjustable laser beam is directed to the center of the die.
Safety device
The TOX® Safety Device CLX is the perfect supplement to a foot pedal control. After pressing the start button, the guide plate is guided onto the component. The rings of the spiral form a protection around the working area. This allows the working stroke to take place without any danger to the operator.
Holding up device in bar variant
The TOX® holding-up device prevents the ram from sinking due to its own weight during maintenance and repairs. The rod variant ZHE 016 / 030 is mounted directly between the base plate and the slide plate. The design depends on the moving mass to be supported and the clear height.
Angle variant hold-up device
The TOX® holding-up device prevents the slide from sinking due to its own weight during maintenance and repairs. The angle variant ZHE 000 is attached to the side of the press frame. As this is outside the die area, the space requirement for the application is insignificant.
Return stroke protection
The ZRS return stroke protection protects the operator at manual workstations.
Alignment element
ZAE alignment element for aligning the stirrup on a base frame.
ZTL side rails for embedding the bracket in a base frame.
Tool table
The ZWT tool table is used to easily align and pin your own tools.
Ext. displacement encoder and switching lug
Ext. displacement measuring system ZHW and switching lug ZSF for measuring the current slide and tool position.
Hold-up device
ZHE holding-up device for supporting the slide during maintenance and die change.
UT sensor ZUT, X-dimension probe ZWE, self-holding device ZSH and switching flag ZSF for detecting the ram in important process positions.
OT-Sensor ZOT for detection of the slide in home position, without pinch edge in the return stroke.
Force sensor with energy chain
ZPS force sensor with ZEK energy chain and ZSF switching lug for providing press force data for process monitoring.


Prospekte und Typenblätter

Brochure: TOX® Presses

Press frames and accessories

Data sheet 60.00: TOX® Presses

C-Frames, 2- and 4 colum presses from 2- 2000 kN