News & Press


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TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK at the SPS Nuremberg 2024: With intelligent solutions for smart production
The focus of the TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK appearance at the SPS 2024 (November 12 to 14, Nuremberg) is networked production. The servo press system TOX® ElectricDrive Core is one of the highlights at booth 1-401 in hall 1. The combination of drive, control and software with integrated process monitoring is quickly installed, collects data and thus fulfills all requirements for predictive maintenance.
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Führungsspitze ausgebaut: Benjamin Mayer ist neuer Geschäftsführer Produktion & Supply Chain bei TOX
Top management expanded: Benjamin Mayer is the new Managing Director Production & Supply Chain at TOX®
Benjamin Mayer has been the new Managing Director Production & Supply Chain at TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK in Weingarten since July 1, 2024. He supports Dietmar Weik, who is responsible for Sales and Technology. Mayer has extensive experience in the areas of production, purchasing and supply chain management.
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Sicher und zuverlässig: Die FlexPressCompact mit ESD-Zertifizierung
TOX® FlexPress Compact with ESD certification: No danger from electrical discharge
Manufacture electronic components without damage from voltage breakdowns? This is now possible with the compact manual workstation from TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK. The specialist for servo presses has had the FlexPress Compact ESD-certified.
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TOX® at the Battery Show Europe: Perfect connections for the energy transition
TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK supports battery manufacturers with technologies that ensure long-lasting electrical and mechanical connections. These can be seen at the Battery Show Europe (June 18 to 20, Stuttgart). Highlights at stand F86 in hall 6 are the TOX ElectricDrive Core servo press system in combination with the UDI Panel and the TOX FlexPress assembly workstation.
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Technologies from TOX® for the energy revolution: Creating perfect connections
TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK offers technologies that produce electrical and mechanical connections easily and durably in one step. They are used for products generating and using green hydrogen – such as solar installations, electrolyzers, traction batteries, fuel cells and external storage systems. The product range of TOX includes suitable tools, drive and press systems, as well as different control units and supports users on their way to climate neutrality.
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Secret world market leader: TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK in the Wirtschaftswoche list
Among the 450 companies represented in this exclusive ranking, TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK stands out in particular. The German company has secured a firm place in the category "Products, systems and technologies for industrial joining and pressing".
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TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK with new presence on the Internet
At last: TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK is represented on the web with a new corporate website. The modernized homepage strengthens the company image, comprehensively introduces products and services and takes the TOX® online presence to a new level. You will find the representative Internet presence here:
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TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK with a new logo: An expression of dynamics and change
TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK is now adorned by a new logo. The specialist for presses and drives from Weingarten is continuously developing. This not only applies to employees and technologies, but also the appearance and brand. The corporate symbol is an expression of dynamics and change, which characterize all business areas.
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TOX® lässt Servopresse für den Reinraum zertifizieren
TOX® has servo press certified for the clean room
In sensitive industries such as medical engineering, the optical industry or electronics, clean room-suitable components are necessary for all processes. This also includes drives. TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK can now provide a solution with the servo presses from the ElectricDrive Core series: It corresponds to air purity class 5 in accordance with ISO 14644-1.
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Verzinkte Bleche zuverlässig clinchen
Reliable clinching of galvanized sheets
The cooperation between the mechanical engineering company TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK and MiniTec has paid off: By using powerful machine tongs including press module from TOX®, combined with a special XY table from MiniTec, a customer from the electronics sector can process-reliably clinch galvanized sheets. Huge bonus for users: The operator does not need to change any tools – he chooses his product, inserts it and starts the process.
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The “greener point” – clinching beats welding
TOX® Clinching, also called “toxing”, has already earned its name all over the world as smart joining technology. But when thinking of joining technology, what first comes to mind for many is resistance spot welding (RSW). This procedure is known and often used in the industry. An examination conducted by the laboratory for materials engineering and joining technology of the University of Paderborn proved that this solution generates a lot of emissions. Clinching technology performs markedly better here.
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Monitoring and controlling processes
TOX® UDI Panel extends portfolio of TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK
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Perfectly stamped
TOX®-Servo Drives optimize hot stamping machines from BSH
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