Riveting technologies V2

Connecting with elements

Your task, our solution

Securely joining sheet metal, plastic panels or other flat materials together. Our solution: Semi-hollow punch riveting and solid self punch riveting.

The way: We show you which riveting procedure is ideal for your application and your requirements. The core piece is always the connecting element. It is customised by choosing the right technology.

The classic principle of riveting, in which two pre-drilled sheets are joined with a cylindrical pin, is a thing of the past. Today, we rely on advanced riveting technologies such as the Semi-hollow punch riveting (HPR) and the Solid punch riveting (SPR), which are self-piercing and do not require a pilot hole. These processes not only offer greater efficiency, but also a reliable, durable connection. Modern machines and tools - from robotic tongs to advanced feeding technology - enable precise and automated processing that is customised to the requirements of the industry.

Semi-hollow punch rivets

The semi-hollow punch rivet cuts through without producing punching waste. It merely submerges into the lower joining material and becomes deformed. The result is a joint which guarantees the best force transmission under tensile load. Semi-hollow punch rivets are quick to install and universal. They join different material pairs - from lightweight materials such as aluminium, magnesium or plastic to ultra-high-strength steels.

TOX® offers a wide variety of systems for processing semi-hollow punch rivets.

Process flow
Application examples

Solid punch rivet

The name of the punch rivet already reveals what it is and what it can do: It first cuts through all joining materials and then fills the resulting cavity. In doing so, it pushes the punched slug out of the joint and deforms itself and the joint. This creates a stable connection - of up to three layers of different materials.

The process is particularly important for lightweight constructions as well as the connection of hybrid parts and assemblies.

Solid self-pierce riveting:

  • also joins high-strength, non-ductile materials - provided they are at the top

  • joins more than three layers of sheet metal

  • produces almost flat joints on both sides

We construct the rivet feeds, tong and tool holding fixtures universally. This enables solid punch rivets with

  • diameters of 4.0 mm and lengths between 3.6 and 8.4 mm as well as diameters of

  • diameters of 5.0 mm and lengths between 4.5 and 8.4 mm are possible.

TOX® offers a wide variety of systems for processing solid punch rivets.

Process flow
Application examples

Possible rivet geometries

TOX® riveting systems are designed as standard for the following rivet geometries.

Semi-hollow punch riveting (HPR)
Solid punch riveting (SPR)

Systems for riveting technologies

Feasibility check? With pleasure!

Feasibility check? With pleasure!

Would you like to know if this technology also works for your sheet metal and materials? Do you need information on accessibility, space requirements and the forces acting on the component? Answers to these questions can be found in a free feasibility test - in our technology laboratory.



Brochure: TOX® Riveting Technology

Semi Hollow Punch Rivet, Solid Punch Rivet